Pricing on Dollhouses depend on the size, detail, drawers/no drawers, etc. You can order to you own size and dimension. Prices do not include paint. Paint prices depend on size of the house. Some of these dollhouses are very tall in size and is highly recommended that they are not to be climbed on. It would be highly recommended that you attach a fastener to the back of these houses and a secure structure.
60" x 48" scalloped roof, windows, flooring, drawers.
60" x 48" Windows, drawers, unscalloped roof, no flooring.
Unscalloped roof
48" x 40"
Size comparison--small to big!
Small with drawers (only 2 floors)
48" x 40"
36" x 48"
American Doll House
30" x 61" for American Dolls
Baby doll high chair solid Oak
Baby doll rocking crib